Winter weather is finally here to stay. Please remember to dress your children with warm winter gear when sending them to school. If you need any assistance with a jacket, gloves, hats, etc. please call the office and we will try to meet your needs.
As the weather turned cold and snowy, we have noticed more students are late in the morning. Please continue to work on having them here by 8:30am so they are ready start their day and not late for their first class. Thank you for all your help!
Mrs. Erbach and Mrs. Carey
As you drop off or pick up your child please do NOT walk between the parked busses. It is very unsafe. We need you to walk on the sidewalk around the busses to return to your car in the parking lot. We have our staff out there to help you if you have questions.
Valentine’s Day
As a reminder, we do not have Valentine’s Day parties at John Muir. If your child would like to pass out valentines, each classroom will set aside time for a valentine exchange on February 14th. Please remember that it cannot contain any food or candy items and there must be a valentine for every student in the classroom. Any editable items will be sent back home with the student who brought them.
Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in August 2025? We are excited to share that kindergarten registration will begin on Jan. 22. We encourage you to visit our Welcome to Kindergarten website now, to familiarize yourself with the process and begin gathering needed documentation. Current District 54 families will complete the online application starting Jan. 22 through their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. If you do not have your login, please contact [email protected].
We also ask for your help in spreading the word about kindergarten registration. If you know of a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025, please encourage the family to save the date and check out the Welcome to Kindergarten. The sooner students enroll, the sooner District 54 will know how many kindergarten teachers we need to best serve our kindergarten class of 2025-26.
REMINDER – iPads Being Sent Home
Students in kindergarten through second grade have been bringing their iPads home and will continue each day through March 21, 2024. During this time, iPads should remain in the child’s backpack at all times. The only reason to remove it would be if school is closed due to a snow day and the child needs to access it for an eLearning day. Keeping it in their backpack will ensure the iPad returns to school the following day.
K-2 students have also brought home a charger. The charger may remain at home or stay in the backpack through March 21. They will not need the charger until it is an eLearning day. The iPads are charged at school every day. On March 21, the charger needs to be returned back to school.
As a reminder, iPads are an instructional device and should only be used to access the instructional apps that are installed on the iPad.
As stated in the Instructional Device Agreement, parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring home internet access.
REMINDER – Chromebooks
As always, Chromebooks are sent home daily. They should be charged every day before coming back to school.
Important Dates
2/14: Half Day Dismissal @ 11:40
2/17: No School President’s Day